Ubuntu Server reference

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Our reference section is used for quickly checking what software and commands are available, and how to interact with various tools.

Server installation

Installation requirements
System requirements

The Ubuntu installer now has its own documentation for automatic (or “hands-off” installations). For more guidance on auto-installing Ubuntu with the installer, you can refer to the following guides from the Ubuntu installer documentation (note: these pages will redirect you outside of the Server Guide).

Cloud images

Cloud images
Find cloud images for…
Amazon EC2*
Google Compute Engine (GCE)*
Microsoft Azure*

* Note: these starred links will redirect you outside the Server Guide to the officially maintained versions of this documentation

High availability

Migrate from crmsh to pcs
Reference table of corresponding commands

Backups and version control

ROCK images


These pages are for those interested in packaging and Ubuntu development

Other tools

This page was last modified 6 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.