Global Snap Store vs Dedicated Snap Stores

Dedicated Snap Stores are private application repositories hosted and managed by Canonical. Access to Dedicated Snap Stores is restricted to the repository owner’s team, customers, users and business partners. In contrast, the Snap Store is global and public to all. Here is a list demonstrating some of the key differences in features between the Snap Store and Dedicated Snap Stores.

Global Snap Store Dedicated Snap Store
Access Public Restricted
Snaps published Seen globally Seen only by users of a Dedicated Snap Store
Content Curated by Canonical Curated by owner
Hosting Hosted and managed by Canonical Hosted and managed by Canonical
Security Security monitoring by Canonical Security monitoring by Canonical
OTA (over-the-air updates)
Refresh control
Account delegation
Proxy to connect with restricted network access
Custom dashboard and API access

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